Dental Implant Solutions in Fresno

Dental implants provide effective means to replace missing teeth and fully restore functionality and aesthetics to patients’ oral health needs. They help to preserve the health of surrounding teeth and maintain the alignment for a healthy natural bite over the long-term. Dental implants are a permanent solution for people with teeth that are severely damaged, whether from injury or decay, or for those who have one or more missing teeth.

Leaving missing teeth gaps unfilled can create a number of potential negative side effects. Over time, it can cause adjacent remaining teeth to shift position as they gradually drift into the gap. Eventually, this can cause the entire bite to become misaligned. The loss of the tooth’s root can also result in a loss of bone. The risks for these negative side effects increase when there are multiple missing teeth involved. 

A Closer Look at Dental Implants

For patients who are suitable candidates for the dental implant procedure, Dr. Palafox works closely with specialists in periodontal and oral surgery to provide the highest quality treatment. First, a titanium root is placed in the jawbone itself, fusing with the natural bone material to create a strong bond upon which a crown can be placed. This process also helps to preserve the integrity of the patient’s jawbone health.

The embedding of an artificial tooth root is what makes a dental implant so effective, and the crown on top is shaped to match bite and then colored to match the appearance of surrounding teeth. The end result looks so natural it is almost impossible for people to tell the difference. Plus, it fully restores the function of the missing tooth, allowing people to eat what they want.

For many people in the Fresno area, this procedure can really make a dramatic impact on their everyday lives; restoring a sense of confidence concerning their smile’s aesthetics and function. Unlike dentures, there is no need to worry about the new teeth slipping, avoiding potential speech problems.

The unique properties of the titanium root ensure that it fuses strongly with the underlying bone, which means the artificial tooth root is sure to last for many years. In fact, it is entirely possible for a dental implant to last a lifetime. The crown on top requires only the same basic dental care as regular teeth without the worry of cavities!

Fresno Dental implant Consultation

If you are suffering because of missing, broken or badly damaged teeth, let Dr. Palafox in Fresno help. He can recommend the right treatments and determine if dental implants are right for you.  Contact the office to find out more information about the process and to schedule a consultation.